Unitus / UIS


April 05, 2018 – Version 2


Definition from the Unitus Website

Unitus uses 5 independent algorithms to ensure the blockchain remains secure and can be mined by anyone, regardless of the hardware they have available to them. CPU, GPU or ASIC.

Community Enthusiasm – 3.5 out of 5

  • The Project Team is active in Discord.
  • The Project Team is active in Bitcointalk.
  • The newly created Discord community is growing quickly.

Active Development – 3 out of 5

  • The dev is working in the background.  There is one dev.
  • The team is posting updates on the plans and progress.
  • UIS is Actively promoting in China (http://www.hongico.com/portal.php)

Exchanges – 2 out of 5

Price – https://coinmarketcap.com/currencies/unitus/

  • Traded in January and February 2017 between 50 and 100 sats.
  • Price jumped in mid-March 2017 and has fluctuated from 200 to 550 sats since.

unitus price

Wallets – http://unitus.online/getstarted

  • Windows
  • MAC
  • Linux
  • Paper


April 5th, 2018 Summary

Unitus is a coin with years of history and excellent technology trying to claw its way back into the spotlight. UIS was once listed on Poloniex, but was removed for lack of developer activity. The currency was built to be mined by any of five independent algorithms, each with a one minute block time, giving it superior security and allowing it to be mined by almost any hardware. The Unitus Technology Page goes into this in more detail.

According to the latest monthly update, Proof of Stake is just around the corner and new exchanges are coming.

When I originally reviewed UIS, it received some pretty bad scores from me above, but this is partially because everything about this old coin was being redone. Now, a year later, more pieces are in place such as an active community and more available information. The website revamp is also well done.

My recommendation…

This is one of the types of coins I imagined I would use this website to let you know about. Most of the people in the crypto community less than a year have never heard of it, but Unitus already has technology superior to many coins we trade every day. You may have heard about a 51% attack, which is a single entity controlling over half of the mining of a coin, and thus deciding the contents of the next block. That is nearly impossible with the 60 second blocks using five different algorithms.  A miner would have to control almost 100% of three different algorithms to succeed.

Please don’t take that as a recommendation for you to buy… I don’t do that… however, you may want to put this coin on your radar and watch. This would be a classic example of where one talented developer comes in and gets this project kicked back up in no time. If you do some research and decide to buy some coins, the price is right.